Since 2013, Anadolu Foundation develops projects in the context of social transformation and investing on human being vision on the field of social entrepreneurship.
My Dear Teacher Project
In 2013, Anadolu Foundation launched “My Dear Teacher” project based on the application of social entrepreneurship concept to the education area which is among the first examples in this field. Anadolu Foundation, with this project called “My dear Teacher”, gathered teachers together and created progress and idea sharing environment. The purpose of the project is to consolidate, in the education system in Turkey, a teacher perspective who investigates, questions, is sensitive to social issues in education and solution-oriented, self-confident, professionally competent, cares about personal development and shows regard to universal values, enable innovative and creative projects to flourish and develop the capacities of teachers and young people.
My Dear Teacher project was designed in a modular way with “Effective Communication”, “Leadership” sub titles under “Social Entrepreneurship” and “Project Cycle Management (PCM)” to equip the teachers with knowledge and competencies they need to become successful social entrepreneurs.
In total more than 26.000 teachers attended at these seminars in 18 provinces with the cooperation of Province National Education Directorate. In attendance of all the teachers and eager students, in order to encourage innovative and practical solutions to society's problems, Anadolu Foundation organized Social Entrepreneurship Competition in 2014 and 2015. More than 500 projects applied at the Competitions.
Besides as a sub project, 2000 highschool students attended social entrepreneurship and project seminars organized by Anadolu Foundation. In 2016, a series of seminars on “Developing Governance Competencies” have been attended by 1300 school headmasters.
Value Creating Women of Developing İstanbul - DEKA (ISTKA Financial Support Program)
Under the “Financial Support Program For Increasing Women’s Employment”, Anadolu Foundation received a grant for the project “Value Creating Women of Developing Istanbul” was implemented between 2015 September- 2016 August. The aim of the project is to increase the knowledge, skills and awareness of young women entrepreneurs and supply with necessary business network.
“Women Entrepreneurship Counseling and Guidance Point” set up in November 2015. Young women are offered various services about entrepreneurship, such as business planning, services related to information resources and counseling and guidance. Women Entrepreneurship web portal was established in order to share news and interviews of success stories of women entrepreneurs.
“Social Entrepreneur Youth” Istanbul Development Agency Grant Program
Anadolu Foundation’s “Social Entrepreneur Youth” Project was granted within the scope of program of Istanbul Development Agency 2014 Financial Support Program for Children and Youth was started in 2014.
“Social Innovation Point” and web portal ( started to serve as the center of social entrepreneurship and social innovation activities in December 2014. Starting from February 2015 nearly 2000 young people have been reached throughout the seminars. More than 60% of the participants consisted of disadvantaged groups and young women. After Semi Finalists’ and Finalists’ Training Camps in April and May 2015, the closing meeting “Social Entrepreneurship Career Day” to present the successful projects was organized in June. Social Entrepreneur Youth Project continues in 2016 with seminars and project contest.
Anadolu Foundation works to create value with the project carried out in the field of education.